Application Development with MFC Library - Course 3201

Course Description and Objectives

This class is designed to give an overview of developing applications written for the Windows operating system (Win32) using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library and Visual C++ 4.X with is associated wizards, resoures and tools.

Course Outline

Use the AppWizard and ClassWizard to construct windows applications using the foundation classes

Understand the message mapping architecture used by MFC

Draw images using basic MFC graphics and functions

Construct and use resources, including menues, dialog boxes, OCX controls, property sheets, toolbars, and the Rich Edit Control

Understand the Document/View architecture of MFC and how applications can benefit from this kind of implementation

Implement simple Registry usage

Implement "serialization" of data in Document classes

Use both Single Document and Multiple Document interfaces

Implement simple printing and print preview functions

Construct Dynamic Link Libraries

Use varied View classes, such as CForm View class and CScrollView class

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