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Axian Software Training Courses



Appx. course length

C Programming Language 50 to 60 hours
C++ Programming Language 42 to 45 hours
Java Programming Language 35 hours
Advanced Java Programming 35 hours
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows Programming 40 hours


Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Win32 API Programming 60 hours
Advanced Win32 API Programming 48 hours
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Fast Start 35 to 40 hours
Fundamentals of Component Object Model (COM) using C++ 35 to 40 hours
Fundamentals of ActiveX using MFC 35 to 40 hours
Fundamentals of ActiveX using Active Template Library (ATL) 35 to 40 hours
ActiveX Controls 35 to 40 hours


Operating Systems and Server Applications
Linux Overview: Management Seminar 8 hours
Linux Use and Administration 40 hours
Linux Programming and Introduction to X 40 hours
Linux Hands-On Programming 80 to 90 hours
Linux Device Drivers 32 hours
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Certification Prep (Workstation & Server) 42 to 45 hours
Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 System Administration 32 to 35 hours

For more information, e-mail to training@axian.com

or call (503) 644-6106, ext. 107