Axian Software Consulting and Training

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows Programming


Call 644-6106, ext. 107



for course registration or more information




This class will be an introduction to developing Windows applications with Visual Basic. The course will introduce the student to the Visual Basic programming language, and it will also familiarize the student with the object-oriented Visual Basic development environment. By the end of the course, the student will be proficient in using built-in controls to create standard Windows GUI. The course will also introduce more advanced topics such as working with ActiveX, interacting with databases, creating and working with Dynamic Link Libraries, and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).

Course prerequisites

Knowledge and familiarity with Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0.

Course outline

Visual Basic Introduction and Quick Start

Controls & Properties

Managing Projects

Event-Driven Programming

Creating the User Interface

Basic Language

Debugging Applications

List Boxes & Combo Boxes

Working with Forms

The Application Wizard

Built-in Objects and Collections

Working with Strings and Dates

Advanced Language Features

Dialogs and File Processing

Mouse, Keyboard, and Drag & Drop

Database Overview & Definition

Database Access using the Data Control

Advanced Data Control Techniques

List and Grid Data-Bound Controls

The Data Object Layer

Advanced Data Object Layer

Building basic ActiveX Servers 

Multiple Document Interface

Dynamic Link Libraries