ActiveX Controls Course Outline
- Overview of ActiveX Controls
- Basic definition of an ActiveX control and the evolution of
ActiveX controls
- Different languages and tools which are available for ActiveX
controls will be discussed
- ActiveX Control Concepts
- Basic concepts specified in the OCX 94 specification
- Properties, methods, events, property pages, persistence,
registration and status bits
- OCX 96 and Internet additions
- MFC Support for ActiveX Controls
- Support provided by MFC for building ActiveX controls
- COleControl, COleControlModule, COlePropertyPage
- Control Wizard
- Test container
- Properties
- Properties and support for properties provided by MFC
- Ambient, extended, stock and custom properties
- Control persistence
- Property exchange functions and COM interfaces for persistence
- Property Pages
- Property pages
- Stock predefined property pages
- Custom property pages
- COlePropertyPage and data transfer functions
- More Properties
- Fonts and pictures in ActiveX controls and the COM interfaces
- Data binding and the notification process
- Events
- MFC support for events
- Connection point mechanism
- Request, before, after, and do event types
- Implementing stock events and adding custom events
- Handling synchronous and asynchronous errors
- Active X Control Container
- AppWizard and MFC to build containers
- Container and control interaction
- Licensing and Distribution Issues
- Commercializing an ActiveX control
- Licensing, distribution and localization (for international
- Threads
- Threading models (single, apartment, and multiple) supported
by ActiveX
- ActiveX controls in a multi-threaded environment
- Optimization
- Optimizing the performance of ActiveX controls
- Windowless controls, delayed activation and drawing
optimizations, and MFC support
- Miscellaneous
- Subclassing an ActiveX control from a standard windows
control, keyboard handling, and more
- ActiveX Controls and the Internet
- Active X controls in an HTML page
- Internet security, scripting languages for manipulating Active
controls and layouts
- ActiveX control pad
- Introduction to ATL
- ActiveX Template Library (ATL)
- ATL Object Wizard
- ATL COM AppWizard
- Basic classes in ATL