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Course Outline:
Fundamentals of ActiveX using ATL

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Fundamentals of ActiveX using ATL


ATL is a new class library from Microsoft which allows you to create a variety of small, fast COM objects. ATL is an excellent library to learn COM programming techniques. Many COM programmers are already using ATL and many more projects are converting to ATL. ATL provides you a lot of the boilerplate code allowing you to concentrate on the functionality provided by the COM object.

This course will give the student a thorough introduction to COM using ATL and go behind the wizards to give the student an inside look into the ATL implementation.

This course includes a number of interactive demonstrations and comprehensive labs which will give the students experience with COM and ATL programming techniques. The students will understand both the limitations and strengths of ATL and how it can be used effectively in a COM programming project.

Course Prerequisites

Exposure to Windows programming techniques. C++ experience required. No prior COM exposure required. A shorter version of this course is available for students with prior COM experience.

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