Java Programming Language

Java Programming is designed to give students the ability to
program in a new object-oriented programming language designed for portability and
simplicity. Students will be able to construct both stand-alone programs and applets
capable of being run inside an HTML browser.
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand the principles of object-oriented programming and
decompose simple real-world situations.
- Apply basic language fundamentals, including:
- Declaring Variables
- References
- Operators
- Flow Control
- Classes
- Overloading
- Inheritance
- Packages
- Structured Error Handling
- Be familiar with the core Java libraries that provide the
following capabilities:
- System interaction
- Fundamental Classes for Inheritance and Primitive Wrapping
- String Creation and Manipulation
- Console I/O
- File I/O
- Multiple Threaded Execution
- GUI Interface Message Handling
- Graphics, including Simple Animation
- Network Programming
- Math, Vector, and Date Utilities
- Write applications that can be downloaded via the World-Wide
Course Prerequisites
Previous programming experience in any
language. Knowledge of C++ is helpful, but not required. Knowledge of the Internet is
helpful, but not required.