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RHD143 Red Hat Linux Programming Essentials Course

RHD143 Red Hat Linux Programming Essentials is an intensive hands-on course designed to rapidly train key skills for developing applications and programs on Red Hat Linux. This 5-day course provides hands-on training, concepts, demonstrations, with emphasis on realistic labs and programming exercises. Upon completion of the course students will have learned and practiced the essential skills required to develop programs for Linux systems.


To learn concepts and skills essential to programming and software development for Linux-based applications and products.


Experienced C programmers with UNIX or Linux workstation power user skills who want to begin developing applications on Linux.




5 days

Training Start Time:   8:30 a.m.
Training End Time:    4:30-5:00 p.m. (depending on class progress)

You will learn

  • Tools and methods for developing C programs for Linux
  • Shell programming essentials
  • Makefiles
  • Version control
  • Compiling, linking and debugging
  • Linux standards and compliance
  • File access system calls and I/O
  • Programming file and directory system services
  • Processes management and creation
  • Signals, Signal Handlers and Alarms
  • Inter-process communication (shared memory, semaphores, messages)
  • Threads
  • Semaphores
  • Pipes and FIFOs
  • Shared Memory
  • Message Queues
  • Sockets


  • Experience in C programming
  • Shell scripting in a UNIX or Linux environment
  • Experience with editors such as vi, emacs

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