Course Outline
- Introduction To Windows Programming
- A Program's Development Files
- New Data Types & Hungarian Notation
- A Windows Program
- Program Entry Point
- Registering the Window Class
- Creating and Displaying the Window
- The Message Loop
- The Window Procedure
- Processing Messages
- Displaying Text
- The WM_PAINT Message
- Valid and Invalid Rectangles
- Device Contexts
- BeginPaint/EndPaint
- GetDC/ReleaseDC
- TextOut()
- Text Metrics
- System Metrics
- Scroll Bars
- Adding to a Window
- Range and Position
- Scroll Bar Messages
- PAINTSTRUCTs Invalid Rect
- The Graphics Device Interface (GDI)
- The Device Context
- Getting the Handle
- Getting Device Capabilities
- Saving and Restoring Contexts
- RGB Color
- Stock Pens
- User-Created Pens
- Selecting Objects
- Drawing Lines
- Background Colors, Modes, and ROP2s
- Bezier Splines
- Drawing Graphics
- Stock Brushes
- User-Created Brushes
- Drawing Filled Areas
- Rectangles and Ellipses
- Polygons and Polygon Filling Modes
- Regions
- Rectangles, Regions, and Clipping
- GDI Mapping Modes
- Device and Logical Coordinates
- The Viewport and the Window
- Text, Metric, English, Isotropic, and Anisotopic Modes
- Programs That Run During Dead Time
- Metafiles
- In Memory
- Storing in a Disk File
- Enhanced Metafiles
- Keyboard Input
- Window Focus
- Keystroke Messages
- The wParam and lParam Parameters
- Virtual Keycodes
- Character Messages
- Shift States
- Sending Messages
- Mouse Input
- Client-Area Mouse Messages
- Simultaneous Shift Keys
- Emulating the Mouse with the Keyboard
- Child Windows and Mouse Input
- Child Windows & Hit Testing
- Capturing The Mouse
- Changing the Cursor's Shape
- Child Window Controls
- Parent-Child Communications
- Buttons
- Push, Check, Radio, Group
- Checking and Enabling
- Changing Child Window Text
- Static Controls
- The Edit Class
- Styles
- Parent Notification Codes
- Messages to Edit Controls
- ListBox Controls
- Styles
- Parent Notification Codes
- Messages to ListBox Controls
- Up-Down Controls
- Styles
- Notifications
- Messages
- Visual Editing
- Compiling Resources
- Menus
- Menu Template
- Referencing Menus
- Menus and Messages
- Processing Menu Options
- Enabling and Checking Menu Items
- Dialog Boxes
- Dialog Box Template,
- Styles, Options, and Descriptions
- Dialog Box Procedure
- Invoking Modal Dialog Boxes
- Dialog Box Functions
- Message Boxes
- Common Dialog Boxes
GetOpenFileName(), GetSaveFileName(), FindText(),
ReplaceText(), ChooseColor(), ChooseFont()
- Creating Multiple Threads
Windows Functions
C Run-time Library Functions
- Suspending Thread Execution
- Sleep( )
- Setting Thread Priorities
- Synchronization of Threads
- Critical Sections
- Mutexes
- Events
- Semaphores
- WaitForSingleObject( )
- Global Memory Functions
- Inter-Process Communication - The Clipboard
- Standard Formats
- Ownership
- Transferring Text, Bitmaps and Metafiles
- Multiple Data-type Items
- Delayed Rendering
- Private Data Formats
- Memory Mapped Files
- Pipes
- Dynamic Link Libraries
- Building DLL's
- DLL Entry and Exit Points
- Import Libraries
- Manual Loading at Run-time
- Resource-Only Libraries
Win32 API Programming