Answer Set #13
Featuring the challenges faced by FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully

Problem Set questions appear in this color, and the Answers appear in this color.
1. If Agent Mulder asked you how large is a memory page in NT, what would you tell him?
- * 1K
- * 2K
- * 4K
- * 16K
- * 64K
2. If he asked you how large a page is on the pagefile, what would you tell him?
- * 1K
- * 2K
- * 4K
- * 16K
- * 64K
3. Which are more efficient: large pages or small pages (memory or disk pages), and why?
- * Small pages. Smaller pages reduce wasted memory and disk space by using smaller units or chunks, as opposed to
larger ones.
4. Agent Scully's NT system has 48 MB of RAM. By default, what will NT suggest to use as the minimum pagefile size?
- * 60 MB. The basic formula for a minimum-sized pagefile is: RAM (size in MB) + 12 MB.
5. Scully has 4 hard-disks on her NT server machine. Two are SCSI and the other two are EIDE. She wants maximum I/O
performance from her system. What are her best options for creating and configuring the pagefile?
- * Create and configure it on the NT system partition
- * Create and configure pagefile portions on each available partition
- * Create and configure it on all the partitions away from the NT system partition
- * Create and configure pagefile portions on each available partition.
- * Create and configure it on all the partitions away from the NT system partition.
6. If the pagefile is incorrectly configured, what will Windows NT do upon system log on?
- * NT automatically starts the Control Panel System icon, and allows pagefile settings to be configured
- * Sends an Administrative Alert
- * The user receives the Blue Screen of Death
- * Reboot the system
- * NT automatically starts the Control Panel System icon, and allows pagefile settings to be configured.
7. File and directory compression is supported on which of the following file systems?
8. If a directory is compressed, which of the following is true?
- * All files in the directory are automatically compressed
- * All subdirectories and files in those subdirectories can be compressed
- * All files created in the directory will be compressed
- * Files moved to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will be compressed
- * Files moved to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will not be compressed
- * Files copied to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will be compressed
- * Files copied to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will not be compressed
- * All files in the directory are automatically compressed.
- * All files created in the directory will be compressed.
- * Files moved to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will not be compressed.
- * Files copied to the directory from another non-compressed directory on the same partition will be compressed.
9. How many priority levels are there for NT processes?
10. By default, at what priority level (or base priority level) do user mode applications typically run?
- * 7 is the base priority level.
11. What is the highest priority level at which a user can launch an application? Which users can do this?
- * 24 is the highest allowed by an administrator (only).
12. Is Windows NT an ASMP or a SMP operating system? Can this be changed?
- * SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing). No, this cannot be changed nor configured differently.
13. Agent Scully notices that the Performance Monitor on her NT server shows a number of spikes which reach close to
100% on the % Processor counter when applications are launched. Should this be expected or not?
- * Spikes are normal when launching applications. As long as the overall % Processor counter stays (on the average)
well below than 80%, then no processor upgrading is necessary based upon this counter.
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This area was last modified on November 12, 1996 by Amar Kamadoli