Linux GUI Programming for GTK+ and Gnome Course Outline
- SESSION 1: First Steps in Linux GUI Programming
- A History of Unix GUI Programming
- Basics of the GTK+ Toolkit
- Compiling GTK+ Programs
- SESSION 2: The X Windowing System as a Foundation
- GTK+'s Relationship to X
- The Basic Design of X
- Elements of X
- SESSION 3: Events and Signals
- Signal Overview
- Connecting Callbacks to Signals
- Using the Callback Parameter
- SESSION 4: Packing
- Boxes
- Tables
- Nesting Packing Widgets
- SESSION 5: Fonts, Colors, and Palettes
- SESSION 8: Adjustments
- Adjustment and Text Widgets
- SESSION 9: Composite Widgets
- What is a Composite Widget?
- Defining a New Class
- SESSION 10: Creating Widgets
- Emitting Signals From Widgets
- SESSION 11: Integrating with GNOME
- Internationalization
- Help files
- Saving/restoring session state
Linux GUI Programming for GTK+ and Gnome