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RHD260 GNOME, GTK+ Programming Course

RHD260 GNOME, GTK+ Programming is designed to teach experienced application and GUI programmers the essential concepts and practical skills for developing new applications in GNOME on Linux. Upon completion of this course students will understand the GNOME components, the GTK+ toolkits, widget sets, and existing libraries, as well as practical methods and techniques for successful GUI and applications development.


To rapidly build concepts and skills at GUI and applications programming in GNOME, using GTK+ tools and libraries.


Application and GUI programmers who require focused training on GNOME and GTK+.




5 days

Training Start Time:   8:30 a.m.
Training End Time:    4:30-5:00 p.m. (depending on class progress)

You will learn

  • The X Window System as a foundation
  • To understand the paradigms and architectures underlying the GTK+ toolkit
  • Programming with a representative set of the basic GUI widgets
  • How to work with events
  • Packing concepts, containers, and nested boxes and tables
  • Integrating fonts, colors and styles
  • Using pixmaps and images
  • Using timers and signals
  • How to create GNOME-aware applications
  • Adjustments and text widgets
  • How to construct a new custom GTK+ widget


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